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Emergency Contacts: Essential Numbers for Seniors

Keep these critical emergency contacts handy to ensure help is just a phone call away when needed.


Keeping a list of essential emergency contacts is crucial for seniors to ensure help is just a phone call away when needed. Here are some critical services and their contact information available in the Mystic area:

Emergency Services

Police, Fire, and Medical Emergencies: 911

Health and Medical Assistance

VA Connecticut Healthcare System, New London Outpatient Clinic: Provides a range of medical services to veterans in the New London area.

Mystic Geriatrics LLC: Offers comprehensive geriatric care and support services.

  • Location: 107 Wilcox Road, Suite 115, Stonington, CT 06378

  • Phone: (860) 536-5302

  • Website: Mystic Geriatrics

Mental Health Support

Southeastern Mental Health Authority (SMHA): Provide behavioral health services, including case management, outpatient care, and crisis intervention.

  • Location: 401 West Thames Street, Building 301, Norwich, CT 06360

  • Phone: (860) 859-4500 24hr Crisis Line: (860) 886-9302

  • Website: CT.GOV demhas

Veterans Crisis Line: A confidential crisis support line for veterans in emotional distress.

Community and Social Services

Groton Human Services - Social Services: Groton Human Services offers a variety of support programs for seniors, including financial assistance, counseling, and access to health and nutrition resources, ensuring seniors can maintain their well-being and independence.

Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center: Provides emergency utility assistance, fuel assistance, and a range of social services for seniors.

North Stonington Senior Center: Provides social services and support to seniors in the North Stonington area.

Legal Assistance

Connecticut Legal Services, Inc:

It assists seniors with issues related to financial exploitation, consumer fraud, and debt burdens. It helps clients stay in their homes with necessary support services and assists with end-of-life planning, including health care directives and durable powers of attorney.

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center:

Empowers, supports, and improves the lives of CT veterans by providing free legal assistance to help them overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare, income, and recovery.

By keeping these critical contact numbers handy, seniors in the Mystic area can ensure that they have access to vital support and assistance whenever needed.

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